casting made simple
No middlemen, no impersonal casting calls. This is casting the way it should be, p3rson to p3rson.

nation-wide casting
P3rson allows models and casting agents to expand their reach past their geographic location. Models are able to be cast for jobs in other states without having to travel to casting calls. Casting agents are able to view modeling talent from all over the US in one place.
the right p3rson in 3 steps
Step 1:
Models can make a digital comp card (P3) to send to casting agents using the P3rson app. The P3 contains three makeup-free, untouched photos: a headshot, a ¾ profile, and a full-length. Once the model is happy with their photos, it is converted into a unique link that collects analytics from everyone that views it.

Step 2:
The P3 package link contains a curated application containing modeling photos, information from the model’s profile, and social media footprint. At a glance, casting agents can create a shortlist of the models that meet the client’s criteria. Casting agents can make notes and send P3 links with notes to brand reps for approval.
Step 3:
P3rson’s algorithm also gathers analytics and feedback from industry professionals. This allows us to recommend models with proven track records and further simplify the search. Casting agents will see profiles and P3 packages that have been refined and created based on data-rich insights.

for models
P3rson puts you in control of how casting agents see you. Stand out from other applicants by showcasing what makes you unique. No gatekeepers or nay-sayers in sight.
for agents
Access a pool of modeling talent that is actively learning from industry professionals. P3rson allows you to cast for a fraction of the time and money. View the P3s, add your comments, and send the links to the brand rep.

download and go
P3rson gives you the opportunity to grow however you see fit. Grow your business. Grow your modeling career. Everything you need to make data-backed decisions is right at your fingertips.
What are you waiting for?
shop this way
Want everyone to know you’re at the forefront of the modeling revolution? We have the statement piece for you. You’ll find t-shirts, hats, and phone cases that declare loud and proud, you’re a game changer.